Where are they now? - Yes and its members
Where are they now?
Current news on Yes, Yes members and others associated with the band

Site last updated: 14 Jan 25

These pages provide coverage of the current activities of Yes and of Yes members outside of the band and of the many people who have been associated with the band. External links are only given to official sites, occasional exceptions aside.

How you can help the site...


Much of the news I cover comes from you, the readers, telling me about interviews or social media updates you've seen, conversations you've had through chance meetings, or just spotting where corrections are needed on the site. The best way to help is to keep doing this: send me an e-mail with any news (or let me know via Twitter or the blog).

If you are an artist and your work is covered here, or you think it should be, let me know. The same applies if you represent an artist as their management, promoter, record company etc. I am happy to receive press releases and respect embargoes. I'm happy to conduct interviews by e-mail.
How this site works

This site is not a blog, with distinct updates. Rather, it seeks to be an up-to-date, all-in-one description of what's currently happening. Like a wiki that only I can edit!

New material is added, and is in red, then I put it to black after a period. Old information is sporadically excised. I tweet about significant updates at @bondegezou. The Wayback Machine helpfully archives older versions of pages.

I run this site out of love, not for money, but the site has web hosting costs. One way I cover these is with adverts, the various Amazon links you see. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can also support the site more directly by donating through PayPal:

If you have a burning desire to support the site through donations away from PayPal, with gifts of CDs or whatever, drop me a line.

If you have a CD or DVD that should be covered by the site, I'd be happy to receive a copy and review it. Contact me by e-mail and I'll let you know how to send it.

(This is not a general reviews site: if you have a CD that doesn't have some sort of Yes connection, then, if you want, you can send it to me: if I like it, I'll say nice things about it, but I make no promises of coverage.)

The Table below summarises recent collaborations involving multiple Yesmen and/or some other regular collaborators:

Project Billy Sherwood Tony Kaye Geoff Downes Steve Howe Jon Davison
Patrick Moraz
Jay Schellen
Jon Anderson Trevor Rabin Roger Dean notable others

Curtis Schwartz, Paul K Joyce
Downes Braide Association


Arc of Life

Dave Kerzner, Jimmy Haun
In Continuum


co-written material

Prog Collective (Dark Encounters)


on re-
released tracks



Scott Walton


Dave Kerzner's All Star Prog Band

More Sonic Elements/Dave Kerzner projects
guested live

co-written material

Kerzner, Tony Levin
Jon Anderson's 1000 Hands: Chapter Two

possibly guests

Any additions/corrections, please e-mail Henry Potts.
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